School of Design

Technology and materials

For courses in the School of Design, you will need materials and technology.

Materials requirements

All courses require additional supplies you will have to purchase. Please review class syllabi for information on the needs for each course.

Technology requirements

You will need a Laptop Computer capable of running the latest Adobe Creative Cloud suite of software.

Our recommendation is that you purchase the best system that you can afford as you will be using this system for four years and want it to be able to last and meet up to software update requirements. We recommend the 15-inch Macbook Pro.

Apple hardware or software is available at discounted prices for students and educators at Louisiana Tech. To find out more, or to purchase, call 800.MY.APPLE – 800.692.7753

Click here for special academic pricing via Apple Computer’s Website.


Adobe no longer offers disc-based versions of their Creative Suite. Students are now required to maintain an active subscription with Adobe to use this software. The software is available for download via Adobe’s website. Students and faculty can license the software for $19.95  per month. Full details on the discounted rate can be found by clicking here.

A 30-day free trial of each application is available via Adobe’s Website.