Photo of Dr. Douglas Amyx

Dr. Douglas Amyx

Burton Risinger Endowed Professor, Professor

Department: Marketing & Analysis

Phone: 318.257.2368


Office: COBB 335

502 W. Texas Avenue

P. O. Box 10318

Louisiana Tech University

Ruston, LA 71272


Dr. Douglas Amyx joined Louisiana Tech University in 2000 and is the Burton R. Risinger Endowed Professor in Business and an Associate Professor of Marketing.

Dr. Amyx has been in higher education since 1990, where he first taught marketing at East Texas State University. He has since taught at three other universities prior to coming to Louisiana Tech.  He has published in numerous academic journals including Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, Psychology and Marketing, Information and Management, Marketing Management Journal, Journal of Services Marketing, and a number of other journals. Dr. Amyx’s research interests focus on workplace deviance, personal selling, advertising, and consumer behavior. He serves on the editorial review boards of the Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Journal of Managerial Issues, Journal of Promotion Management, and has reviewed for numerous other journals and conferences. He also has served on various dissertation committees in the Department of Marketing and Analysis.

Prior to being in academia, Dr. Amyx worked several years as a manager for the Hertz Corporation. He has consulted with a number of small and large organizations including the Arizona Diamond Backs and the San Diego Padres.  His marketing classes provide consulting and marketing plans for area organizations each year.


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