Hurtig pens AATF article for CODOFIL anniversary
Dr. Dolliann Hurtig, professor of French in the Louisiana Tech School of Literature and Language, has published an article in the spring edition of the National Bulletin of the American Association of Teachers of French. Titled “CODOFIL fête ses 50 ans,” the article, invited by the AATF leadership, was solicited on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Council of Development of French in Louisiana.
To celebrate CODOFIL’S 50th anniversary, a special guest, Annie Girard, Director for Development of International Affairs and Relations with the Association of Francophone Canadian Colleges and Universities (ACUFC), visited most recently Louisiana from Ontario, Canada, and discussed with Dr. Hurtig , CODOFIL director Mme Peggy Feehan, officers and members of the CODOFIL Consortium, a project to initiate future collaboration with CODOFIL, the CODOFIL Consortium and their Canadian partners.
Director Girard, CODOFIL and the CODOFIL Consortium will be working together throughout the year of 2018 to develop a viable partnership with the Francophone colleges and universities in the regions of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward’s Island, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia.
Celebrations throughout the state of Louisiana upon the occasion of CODOFIL’s 50th anniversary will continue throughout the year of 2018 and will culminate in Festivals Acadiens et Créoles in the fall of 2018.
The National Bulletin is a publication of the American Association of Teachers of French. The Bulletin, published four times yearly, has a readership that extends to all current members of the AATF. According to the AATF website, its purpose is to keep the membership informed as to “the state of the profession of teaching French- and news of what is going on in France and in the Francophone world.”

Dr. Dolliann Hurtig and Annie Girard, Director of Development of International Affairs and Relations, Association of Francophone Canadian Colleges and Universities (ACUFC)