
The Printmaking Area at Louisiana Tech University provides a complete studio experience leading toward BFA and MFA degrees with regular courses in intaglio and lithography. A strong foundation in traditional skills is important, as well as encouraging experimentation and embracing new technology, while promoting critical thought. Concept and both traditional and exploratory techniques are equally emphasized. Art students are expected to work with the entire printmaking toolbox, from traditional to digital processes. By gaining a command of these tools, the artist can choose the appropriate print medium and technique for a given concept.


  • 1 (25 ½” x 48”) Floor Model Motor Driven Etching Presses
  • 1 (24” x 36”) Table Top Takach Press
  • 1 (24” x 36”) Charles Brand Press
  • 1 (12” x 18”) Conrad Press
  • Vertical Etching Tank (Ferric Chloride)
  • Rosin Box
  • Hot Plate


  • 1 (25 ½” x 48”) Motor Driven Lithography Printing Press
  • 1 (25 ½” x 48”) Hand Operated Lithography Printing Press
  • 2 Plate Supports
  • Graining Sink
  • Levigators
  • Bavarian Limestone